Coal dust SourceWatch
Mar 20, 2015· Chronic exposure to the coal dust stirred up during mining can lead to black lung disease, or pneumoconiosis. It is a common affliction of coal miners and ...
Mar 20, 2015· Chronic exposure to the coal dust stirred up during mining can lead to black lung disease, or pneumoconiosis. It is a common affliction of coal miners and ...
Repeated and longterm exposure to certain irritants on the job can lead to an array of lung diseases that may have lasting effects, even after exposure ceases.
History of coal mining in southern Appalachia, and how it radically transformed the region.
Black lung is a serious, and sometimes fatal, disease caused by exposure to coal mine dust. Black lung causes permanent lung damage, which can affect breathing and ...
Get information, facts, and pictures about lung cancer at Make research projects and school reports about lung cancer easy with credible articles ...
Learn which toxic chemicals may cause what respiratory or lung disease and how you can avoid them.
Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis treatment of Interstitial Lung Diseases from the Home Version of the Merck Manuals.
The Lung Institute is an innovative leader of regenerative medicine for lung disease. Contact them today at (800) .
Queensland Government Coal Mine Workers'' Health Scheme Health Assessment Form Section 46 Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2001 Form Number CMSHR 1
Insterstitial Lung Disease Online Medical Reference. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) refers to a broad category of lung diseases. The three most common types of ...
Select your location to view local American Lung Association infomation near you
Diseases of the respiratory system from occupational or other environmental causes.
Presents an index of tables which reveals the latest statistics on various injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences.
The Black Lung Benefits Act (BLBA) is a federal law which provides monthly payments and medical benefits to coal miners totally disabled from pneumoconiosis ...
DCMWC (BLACK LUNG) The mission of the Division of Coal Mine Workers'' Compensation, or Federal Black Lung Program, is to administer claims filed under the Black Lung ...
Reality: What Are Some of the Common Environmental Diseases? Lung Diseases Any substance other than air that is breathed into the lungs has the potential ...
The inhalation and accumulation of coal dust causes coal workers'' pneumoconiosis (CWP). This stems from working in a coal mine, coal trimming (loading and stowing ...
List of articles about Health and Medicine / Diseases and Disorders / Respiratory System Diseases
Black lung . Inquiry into the reidentification of Coal Workers'' Pneumoconiosis in Queensland . The first priority and concern of all in the coal mining industry must ...
The National Coalition of Black Lung and Respiratory Disease Clinics, Inc. was established in 1984 to accomplish the following goals: To adopt uniform black lung ...
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Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis treatment of Environmental Lung Diseases from the Home Version of the Merck Manuals.
Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and, since the 1880s, has been widely used to generate electricity.
lung [lung] either of two large organs lying within the chest cavity on either side of the heart; they supply the blood with oxygen inhaled from the outside air and ...